Page 227 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 227
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Bring it Home!
Feb. 19 Lake Butler 2002 Middle School
Feb. 21 Ruth Raines Baseball Team
Feb. 22 Chiefland
Feb. 25 Bradford Blake Hatcht Jeffrey Pearce
Feb. 26 Keystone Matt Acosta Zach Bozzi
Mar. 1 Chiefland Robbie Alford jeremy Harrell
Mar. 4 Keystone Elvin Sheppard Terry Yerger
Mar. 7 Williston Tim Godden jared Gilmer
Mar. 11 Suwannee
Gillian van Barker
Mar. 14 Ruth Raines josh Edenfield Cory Capallia
Mar. 15 Lake Butler
Mar. 22 Bradford Brian Stalnaker
Apr. 3 LCMS Heath Huesman
Apr. 9 Williston Donny Dohrn
Apr. 11 Suwannee
Apr. 12 Chiefland
Far left: Heath Huesman
is ready to rocket the ball
to first base.
Front left: Blake Hatcht,
Jeffrey Pearce, Matt
Acosta , Zac h Bozzi,
Robb ie Alford, Jeremy
Harrell, Elvin Sheppard,
Terry Yerger, Tim Godden,
Gillian van Barker, Jared
Gilmer, Josh Edenfield,
Cory Capallia, Brian
Stalmaker, Heath
Huesman, Donny Dohrn,
andCoach Kyle Keen.
Far left: Zack Bozzi and
Robbie Alford wa it
patiently for Coach Keen
to hit to them.
left: Gillian van Barker
fields a perfect ground
ball and is ready to throw
to second.
Top : Timothy Godden
does fancy footwork
charging ground balls.
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Far left: Brian Stalnaker is ready to gun the
batter running to first.
left: Josh Edenfield and Jeffrey Pearce are
working on strategy between plays.