Page 234 - 2004 Tomahawk
P. 234

To my little sister:

       Maybe life will separate us yet we
       will always be best friends. So now
       love,  until life ends, in joy or sorrow
       do not forsake us, sunshine on the
       darkest day. Though there's a                                                  We are so proud of you.  You  are
       frequency I'll miss; each breath of                                            head strong and a hardworker.
       peace that fortune sends becomes a                                             We enjoy your company, but hate
       bond that time can't betray. I'm so                                            to see you go. We hope you have
       proud of you , never settle for less                                           a successful future. Sweetheart,
       than you can dream.
                                                                                      we love you very much.
                 Love,  Samantha
                                                                                         Love, Granny and Papa Arnau

       You  have been an  inspiration to my life since
       the day you  were born. You're a smart and   I know life hasn't always been easy for you. You've
       wonderful daughter. I love you very much   been through hard t1mes, as well as good but, I
       and I hope all your dreams come true.   know one thing  IS  for sure, you have what it takes
                     Love, Daddy            to succeed and then some.  I know you will go far
                                            in  life. Not because you're  my daughter, but
                                            because you're  a good, lov1ng, kind, and
                                            considerate young lady. Keep believing in all that
                                            you are and all you can be. It's out there, rema1n  a

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