Page 237 - 2004 Tomahawk
P. 237

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                                  e/lsltlry @/llorf!an @}Vabingrr

                                                    1983- 2003

  Parents,  teacliers, facu[tJ, friendS,  ana dassmates,
        'J:tlhat 6etter Wa!J  to 6ring in the new mi[fennium tfzan with the dass of 2001 !' '1Ve are unique, aiverse, ana have the a6ifitJ to create a
  'leU/ ana o\fciting future. 'vt/e wi[[ aevefop,  teacfi,  design,  ana construct a new generation. '1t'e fool( afzeaa to our responsi6ifities. '11'e come
  .ogetfzer toda!J,  fiowever,  to rernem6er,  rejfect, ana prepare to sa!J goo£6!:/e.  :Feffow seniors, in a few ia!JS we wi[[ !eave the coo fest pface on
  'arth.  Of course,  there wi[[ 6e more cfia{fenges, new friendS,  ana otfzer coo[ pfaces, 6ut I hope that we a[[ tak:g some of CJ{S with us. !R.fmem6er
  _fie energ!J ana anticipation !JOU feeL !R.fmem6er the encouragement !JOU were given. !R.fmem6er the f!asfw_  of insight ana strength of !JOUr
  ·onvictions. !R.fmem6er tfze fwurs we spent [aughing together as a dass. !R.fmem6er, !R.frnem6er, ana !R.fmem6er. Cfwose memories that wi[[
  nspire ana sustain !JOU as !JOU watcfi tommorrow 6urst into toia!J. 'Bear in min£ that whatever !JOU cfioose to 6ecome- whatever !JOU  are a6out
  o feam of !JOUrseif ana fije- !JOU  are unfik:gf!J to manage very mucfi of it afone. 9{p more tfzan !JOU have manage£ to come this far witfiout the
  zefp of (joe!, famif!J, frienas,  teadzers, ana even strangers wfw ma!J have tak:gn  tfze trou6fe to 6e k;jna to !JOU  a[ong tfze u/a!f. !R.fmem6er them.
  Tlianl( tfzem. 5ls we aepart ana go our seperate Wa!JS,  we wi[[ certainf!J trave[ iijferent patflS. '1 t ~ wi[[ fo!fow £reams.  In onf!J a few ia!JS we
  ui[[ prouaf!J ion the ro6es of academics, come together one fast time ana then  catter with the windS. ')ou ana I are tfze feaaers of tomrnorrow.
  rtHiave tfze toofs we need. Let us go forth ana create tfze juture we have areamea oj. M!Jfinaf woras to the CJ{  graauating dass of2001-
  Veasure !JOUr success 6!J tfze Jo!J !JOU ji'n£ in  fife ana the fove !JOU fin£ arouna !JOU.
                                                5tsMe!J Morgan  a6inger
                                                 ~ enior C[ass President
         :.Fort '1t'fiite J-figh  dwo[ wi[[ a[wa!JS rernem6er ana cherish the memories ;lsMe!J ~  a6inger !eft fzere.  we [oz,e !JOU 5lshfe!J.

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