Page 239 - 2004 Tomahawk
P. 239


       B1bhcal memuna of KRISTIN  FoUower of Chmt
        ~God bas callod you by name" lsab <4 3: I
       w He will newr leave you or foneke you" 1-!brws 13  S
       "1-M will keep you in perfect .-ce" l.sah 26 3
       ~He will oewr djsappoJDt you" Rms 8 28
       "W1th God All~ ue po~~~ble'' U .l 37
       God made you special  We IOYe you and ue 10 PROUD
       or you! Many llunp W'C m-1  Only God knows what
       11 planoed  Pleue know md remember .  we have t*n
       down  roeds, turned around and came  We tell
       you whllt we •w and whllt we learned. SometuDes we
       yell 1t, IOIDeluDeS we talk about 1t, aometunes we whisper
       1t, only to our .elves u  you rush by. out tbe door  We try
       to Wlnl you, belp you, md always, always I<Mll& you
       01.- advice md prayer for you 11 to hrten for God to du-ect
       your path, 10 you ~·t have to tum around oo tbe n»d.
       Wballlfe gets tough, Just cloae your eye~ md liJten for Ood
       When Ilk II peal, jUJt C)C.C your eyes to 8JW tb.aoJca to Ood
       t>ecaux you hskoed  -Love Mom ct. Kent

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