Page 65 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 65

Mr.  Keith  Hatcher


                                                                     Keith  Hatcher           veryone  in   hcool  ha
                                                                                            come  in  contact  with  thi
                                                                                            man.  Hi  name i  a hou  e-
                                                                                            hold  name.    Mr.  Keith
                                                                 Assi  tant  Principal,  Be  -  Hatcher.   Hi   mi  ion  i
                                                                  1e  Whitfield             to  make  thi   chool  a  bet-
                                                                                            ter  place  to  learn.ln  ac-
                                                                                            compli  hing  hi   mi   10n
                                                                                            he  ha  two  adminstrator
                                                                                            helping him  to ach1e  e  hi
                                                                    1s1ant  PrinCipal  Jay  Duval   m1   10n  for  FWH  .  Our
                                                                                            hat  off to  you.

                                                                 \1r.  'I  h1tfield  alway   has   Mr.   Duval  keep  our  chool  a
                                                                 an  cncoruag1ng  word  for  our   afe  place  to  be .  Thank  ,  Mr.
                                                                 students   he  stnve  to  make   Du,al
                                                                 fWII   a  great  place   he
                                                                 promote  academiC  succe
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