Page 66 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 66

theteacha  ~
                                                                                                  WHOSE CHILD   AtxJ each tCXII<
                                                                                                  IS THIS?     the hatxJ or the
                                                                                                  AI.Khof· Uf/l(f)()Wn   little child
           Edward AmaYa                                                                                        •Our:. to IaAie aod
            Peee.JI AmaYa                                                                         ·Whose child Is   tnJin toeethet-
          Tamtrul Anshultz                                                                        thi  :>-· 1 asked one  ()(•·s thi  b/tlSI>ecJ
           Deborah Ashraf                                                                         daY          task fO«·ever.·
             Rick Babston                                                                         Sea1111 a ltrtle
                                                                                                  one O«K at PlaY
                                                                                                  •Mif  •   dthe
                                                                                                  Pat·e/K with a
                                                                                                  ··Mme to keeP a
                                                                                                  ltrtle while
                                                                                                  To bathe his
                                                                                                  hatxJ~ and comb
             Marcus Bell                                                                          hi  hair
         MarY Clem Black                                                                          To tell him what
          Melissa Blanton                                                                         he i:. to weat·
           f..atoya Bordes                                                                        To PrePare him
          StePhanie Bundy                                                                         that he may
                                                                                                  alWaY:. be eood
                                                                                                  AtxJ each daY
                                                                                                  do the thirlllS he
                                                                                                  ·Who::.e child is
                                                                                                  thi~ I a!>ked
        CherYl Carmichael                                                                         As the door
          Rosanna CarneY                                                                          OPened and
                                                                                                  !>CXJlf!O«Je carne m
         Connie Cleveland                                                                         ·Mme·.   dthe
              VefinaCox                                                                           teacher w1th the
          Kathleen Crosby                                                                         same tender
                                                                                                  •·Mine. to keeP
                                                                                                  iust tor a /trt/e
                                                                                                  To teach him hew
                                                                                                  to be e  IK/e and
                                                                                                 To tram and
            HollY Deloach                                                                         direct his dear
           Yvette Demko                                                                           ltrtle 111100
          Jennifer Dilmore                                                                       To helP him l1ve
           Dixie Donovan                                                                          bY every rule
            Shaun Fereus                                                                          AtxJ eet the best
                                                                                                  he can from
                                                                                                  Whose child is
                                                                                                 this?'" I as1< once
                                                                                                 Just ~ the ltrtle
                                                                                                 otJe e/Kered the
              Gloria Ford                                                                        door  ()(K·~~ sad
            Nicole Foster                                                                        the Pare/K and
         CarolYn Hancock
          Wayne Hancock
            Keith Hatcher
             Robin Heeke
              Cindi Hiers
            Dalid HuntleY
            LYnn Jamison
             Harry Joiner
              Sheri Keen

            Diane Koenie
          Christina Larsen
          Charles Lassiter
             Carol Martin
            Coleta Mathis
          KellY McFarland
           Sandra Means

           Heather Mock
           Bobble Moore
             Tamtru1 Neil
             Gloria Ortiz
             LYnda PerrY
           Ashley Pfli{{jps
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