Page 67 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 67

Fort 'White Jtigh School Faculty


          Fort White                       Teachers                             are the Best!

          There is somethine             is doine the same thine wer            such as science, math,
          inherentlY SPecial about       and wer aeain. Yet exPectine           eneineerine, and tareisn

          our Profession that            different results."                    raneuaees. to exPose students to
   alaws us to close ot.Jt a Previous    Our saals at FWHS are to               rech{)(J{aJ:!Y, to imPrwe students
   academic year and Plan tar a          develoP students basic abilities       career or iab awareness, to

   new besinnine-a sort at annual        to read, write, reason and             faster self-disciPline and Personal
   renewal. it YOU will.                 comPute Problem sa/vine-               habits that make tar dePendable,

   That's the beautY at teachine:  we    skills.  to develoP hisher level       reSPonsible, adCJPtable and
   eet to start all wer aeain each       communications and Problem-            informed workers and citizens,
   year.  You cant do this if YOU are    sa/vine skills, to transmit            ra develoP slabal awareness and

   a metearatasist or  saleSPerson.      the culture, American social,          aPPreciation. and to develoP a
   When school starts this fall, or      economic, and civic life and           multicultural awareness and an

   whenever, YOU will set a new          its rishts and reSPonsibilities,       aPPreciation tar ather cultures.
   erouP at students.  You can do        to Prwide exPerience with
   anYfhine YOU want with them.          teamwork, srouP interaction,

   The effective teacher starts with     C(J(JPerative and basic
   a Plan, a better mare reflective      socialization, to convey advanced

   Plan than the Previous Year.  The     knawledse at critical subiects.
   in effective teacher does the
   same thine Year after Year. which

   is whY Einstein said,  "InsanitY

                                                                                                     Sharon Reshard
                                                                                                     Mike Rizzi
                                                                                                     aarissa Rossin
                                                                                                     Teresa SamPson
                                                                                                     lsiab ShePPard
                                                                                                     Rhonda Southerland
                                                                                                     Deborah SPencer

                                                                                       n-ac.Y StePhens
                                                                                       Seth Thoreson
                                                                                       Beck.Y TomPkins
                                                                                       Loretta Vaw!hn
                                                                                       Marsha Wallace
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