Page 81 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 81
At the tart of a captivating ea on the ch rlead r ar the
in piration behind their team's victory. During th ummer they
att nd many camps, tumbling cia e , and practice . Their practice
continu through the chool year. Mo t practice consi t of learning
n w ch r , chant , and stunt , while p nding hour working on
competition routine . The Che rleading quad teache them how to
1 arn from their mi takes and how to pull through for on another.
At gam , cheerleader, keep the cro"'d
energetic "'htle encouragmg our team Our quads cheer with such vigor that they become
to obtam a \lctory o' er our opponent. hoars in helping to lead our chool to victory. Through
Cheerleadmg has made tiS mark and
changed tl tmage. It emphastze butldmg their hard work and . chool pirit, the cheerleader add a
team ptnt rath r than wmnmg lot of extra excitement and flare to the chool year.