Page 85 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 85


                                       Leadership 1s a club wh1ch 1s the mtense
                                      mvolvement m FWHS and commun1ty  The
                                        students are more tha~ the orgamzat1on
                                     respons1ble for Homecommg  F1eld Day, and
                                   other actiVIties  The first role IS to represent the
                                   1nterests of the student body m all matters  The
                                   second 1s ded•cat1on to address1ng "real world"
                                 needs both at school and m the commumty  They
                                    then proceed to su round themselves w1th the
                                    poss•b•htles of Improvement  At the meetings,
                                  class officers  club and orgamzallonal pres1dents
                                  and other representatives meet to plan actiVIties,
                                      d1  cuss 1ssues  and exchange mformat1on
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