Page 86 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 86


       The Power  adet                The  knowledge  learned  wtll  pro-
       to  motivate  stud             v tde  students  \\tth  tremendous
       pline  and  tmpr  ve  thetr  elf-con-  abtlttte  to  olve any dtlemma that
       fidence.  The ·e  kill  are  taught   may  anse  tn  thetr  ltfe  with  ratio-
       through  practtcal  application  that   nal deci  ion  .
       can help them  ucce  fully meet the
       challenge  that lte in their future  .
       The  obJeCttve  are  to  trengthen
       character,  and  develop  characten ·-
       tic qualttie  tn leader  hip abilitte  .
       The  benefit  are  remarkable.  It
       encourage   tudent  to  challenge
       problem  tn  tnde and adapt to  new
       environment  and  occurrence  .

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