Page 93 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 93



                                                          Leader  h1p  1  a  club  which  1  the   improvement.  At the meetmg  , cia
                                                          inten  e  1mohement  in  FWH   officer  , club and  orgamzat10n  pre  i-
                                                            hoot  and  community.  The  tu-  dent  and  other repre  entat1ve  meet
                                                          dents  are  more  than  the  organiza-  to  plan activities,  di  cu  s i  ue  , and
                                                          tion  responsible  for  Homecoming,   exchange information.
                                                          Field Day,  and other activ1tie  .  The
                                                           fir  t role 1  to repre  ent the intere  t
                                                          of the  tudent  body  in  all  matter  .
                                                          The  ·econd  1  dedication  to  ad-
                                                          dre  smg  "real  world"  need  both
                                                          at  chool  and  in  the  commumty.
                                                          They  then  proceed  to  urround
                                                           them  elves  \\-Ith  the  po  ibilite  of

                                                                                         Leadc!'.hip  Officer  :  Connor  Hayden,  Della
                                                                                         fothcndge, Rachel  Regi. ter. and Ben  nder  on

                                                                                         Leader  htp  lub at its be  t.

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