Page 88 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 88

FBL    r  ed:                                                                                 \\e belie'e C\  11  person
         I b  lie'e the future                                                                          hould  cthd  \Ork
         dcpcndo; on mutual                                                                            to  ard imprm ing  ocial
         under tanding and                                                                             political, communit) an
         cooperation  mong                                                                             famil  life.
         bu  inc  , indu  tr). labor,                                                                  I helie'e c  cr.  per on
         religiou  • f  mil~  nd                                                                       ha  th  right to e  rn
          ducation  I in  titution                                                                      lhin•  t  nucful
           \\CII as people around                                                                      occupation and that
         the \\Orld.                                                                                   thi  right  hould not
                                                                                                       be denied hccau  e of
         I agree to do m  utmo  t                                                                      race. color, creed,  e  , or
         to bring about under-                                                                         handic  p.
          t  nding and coopera-                                                                        I belie\c e\cQ per on
         tion among all of the  e                                                                       hould take rcspon  ibil-
         group  .                                                                                      it)  for carr) ing out a  •
                                                                                                        igned ta  k  in a man
         I bclic'c C\CQ  per-;on                                                                       th  t bring  credit to  elf
          hould prep  rc for a                                                                         a  ociate ,  chool  nd
         u  eful occupation and                                                                        communi~ ..
         carr~ on that occu-                                                                           I helic'c I ha'c the
                                                                                                       Re  pon  ibilit~ to '  ork
         pation in a man-
                                                                                                       efficient!)  nd to think
         ner that bring  the                                                                           clear!).
         greatest good to the                                                                          I promi  e to u  e Ill)
         greate  t number.                                                                             abilitie  to make the
                                                                                                       \\orld a better place for
                                                                                                       e'er~ one.

     1 he goals of FBL  arc:
     To de, clop competent, aggrc ·-
      he bu  inc  leader hip.  To
      trcngthcn the confidence of
      tudent  in them  che  and their
                                       Future Business Leaders of America
     "ork. To create more interest in   IS an organization established by the
     themsehes and their \\ork.  o     business department.  Mrs. Rossin
     encourage member  in the de-      serves as chapter advisor.  The local
     \elopment of indh idual project   chapter conducts activities Within the
     "hich contribute to the impro' e-  framework of the state and national
     ment of home, bu  inc  , and      organizations.
     community. lo deHiop charac-
     ter, prepare for u  cful citizen-
      hip, and fo  ter patriotL m.  o
     encourage and practice efficient
     money management.  To encour-
     age  cholar  hip and promote
      chool  lo~ alty.  o a  i  t  tudent
     in the e ·tabli  hment of occu-
     pational goal  . To facilitate the
     tran  ition from  ·chool to \\Ork.
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