Page 89 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 89

The Fellov.  hip of  hri  tian Athlete  i  touching million  of
                                                              h  c  ... one heart at a time.  ince 1954, the Fello  hip of Chri  -
                                                             tian  thlctc  ha  been challcngmg coache  and athlete  on the
                                                              profe  ional, college, high  cho  I, junior high and youth level
                                                              to  u e the pm erful medium of athletic  to Impact the world for
                                                             Je  u  'hri  t. r   i  the large  t interdenominational,  chool-
                                                              ba  ed, Chri. tian  ports organiLatlon in America.  F( A focu  e
                                                              on  erving local communitie  by equippmg, empowering and
                                                              encouragmg people to make a difference for Chri  t.

                                                              It i  open to anyone intere  ted in knowing more about  hri  t
                                                              and the Bible. FCA member  partner with FWH  athletic par-
                                                              ticipant  and coache  to encourage them in their  hri  tian faith
                                                              both on and offthe athletic field  FCA meet  e  eryTue  day and
                                                              Thur day, Mr.  lluntley i  our leader.

                                                              We  \\111 demon  trate Chri  t-likc wholene   privately. and
                                                              publicly.  We\\ ill model Je  u  'e ample of  en ing.  We will
                                                              c  pre  our unity in Chri  t in all our relation  hip  .  We \  ill
                                                              honor and glorify God in all  we do.  Our relation  hip  \\ill
                                                              demon  trate  teadfa  t commitm  nt to Je  u  ( hri  t and Hi
                                                              \  ord through Integrity ,  en ing , Teamwork and Excellence .

       Fellowship of Christian Athletes
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