Page 156 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 156
"Art is a visual creation from the mind
released for all to enjoy."
-Mrs. Hiers
" Art is the soul of a society
expressing itself through the hearts
and hands of its people." Below M1ddle-schoolers find
creat1ve ways to show self-1mage
-Mr. Fergus R1ght Dylan Harrell expresses h1s
magmficent art skills 1n Mr Fergus·
To some, art is an expression of
one's emotions. To others, a cultural
unity passed down from generation
to generation . The perception of
art changes from person to person,
and piece to piece. Universally, art is
what you make it out to be!
-Hannah Sackett and Amy Kittle
R1ght Camila Sanchez shows her
colorful personality through her
Far R1ght Classmates, Jess1ca
Walker and Jonah Hostetter
create masterpieces dunng 6th
Above H1gh School classes
display their own ·Gallery of
Transformed and Re-energized
Above R1ght Shandre Dent and
Ang•e Rodnguez show off the1r
awesome pictures'!