Page 108 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 108

Brittany Kent-Captain

                      Senior dancers and
                      cheerleaders showing
                      off their gangster faces
                      at the Pensacola game.

                      Sabrina Culpepper      Top: Senior dancers and cheerleaders get together at the Pensacola game to show their Indian
                                             Bottom: A new tradition this year the dancers and cheerleaders got together on every home
                                             game to eat and bond as a group.

                      Taleena and Ava are
                      showing their Indian

                      Taleena Cox

                                                                               This year's Varsity Dance Team 2007 has defi-
                                                                               nitely made memorable marks. The team  had
                                                                               a  rough  start  with  girls  coming  and  going,
                      SabrinaandAvashow                                        but by the middle of the season they were fi-
                      you just how dancers                                     nally on solid ground. Even though the team
                      spend their time waiting                                 was  pulled  apart  and  put  in  many  difficult
                      for the game to start.
                                                                               situations,  Mrs.  Howard made sure the team
                                                                               stayed  together.  This  year  was  a  year  for  a
                                                                               lot  of change  and  growth.  There  were  many
                                                                               positive things that came from these changes
                                                                               such as the way  we united with the cheerlead-
                                                                               ers to support one team.  Between  our many
                                                                               dinners before home games, the bus rides to
                      Jessica Clark
                                                                               away games, dancing together in a pep rally
                                                                               and  showing  spirit together on  the sidelines
                                                                               the two teams  bonded  in  a unique  way.  An-
                                                                               other change for this year is the fact that the
                                                                               whole team is made up of seniors. Therefore,
                                                                               next  year  will  be  the  most  difficult  year  the
                      "That was some good                                      team  has ever seen.  However we have confi-
                                                                               dence that a new team will emerge to keep the
                           - Taleena Cox                                       tradition alive.

                                                                                          --Brittany Kent and Jessica Clark
                                            Above: Ava and Jessica demonstrating
                                            how delicious the food was at one of the
                                            many dinners with the cheerleaders.

                      Ava Walker
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