Page 113 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 113

JV and Middle

  School Volleyball

  Belo"':  M1ddlc School Lady Indians (front from left): Lyn~e Stalnaker, Haley  cmo~. A~hley  Below: Ah-.on Wrench  shows hcrdetenmn·
  B  man, Juha 0'  eail, Je-.-.ica Manntra. Deanna !!art, An!!el  Dowda. Shelby  ole, Coach   au on  a-.  she attempts one of the final pomt'>
  Ruth Ann Ja  k-.on, Mad} Greek. Malloric Godb}.           in  the  m--.~hool \Olle}hall game.

                                                             Above:  oach Tuley gives c  n. tructive critisim to her team as the) fini  h up the  in- chool
                                                             volleyball game.
                                                             Left.  The JV team dec1de-. on the  trateg}  the}  feel  is  going to he  mo. t eflect1ve to help
                                                             them "'in the game. For  orne. the pre. ure  earn.  ove~elming. )Ct the team  11111  able to
                                                             have fun through out the game.

   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118