Page 114 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 114
Below: Ninth grader Chad tmett may look a lot hke the competition, but h1s performance 1s what really mak
an impact on the spectators
Cross Country
"I alway loved running, it was omething you could do by
yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any
dire tion, fa tor low a you wanted, fighting the wind if
you felt like it, eeking out new ight ju t on the trength
of your feet and the courage of your lung . "- Je e Owen ,
four time 1936 Olympic medal winner in Track & Field
Running: it' sweat, pain,
commitment, endurance,
the clenching of teeth, the
drumming of feet; victory,
and trength. To be a runner
i to acrifice,toliveforyour
goal. Your body bum with
"We have a really
young team. I had a the urge to keep pushing,
great expenence and an your will demand to not
exceptional group of
kids," exclaims Ms. Amber let your elf quit. Do you
Busse). 2007-200 Cross have what it take ? The Fort
Country coach.
White Cro Country team
prove them elve worthy
of the title.
Every tep a runner take
is a tep toward omething
new. A tep on a journey, a
step in their hi tory and m
the hi tory of other .
"Cross Country was a lot
of fun this year; we learned
a lot, ran a lot, and spent a
long time on the bus ... We
ate a lot too," says eleventh
grader Dav1d Richardson
Above: Fort Wh1te Cross Country shows off the1r playful side when they're off the field. From top left: Caitlin
Jones, Eva Bohling, Colton Jones, Katie Elliot, Kayla Williams, Kaithn Anderson. M1ddle from left Drel'i
Herrick, David Waites, Matt Waddington, Brandon Sharpe. Bottom from left: David Richardson. Alex Butler
Chad Stinnett, Billy Blanchard, Dustin Cason. ot Pictured: icole Waddington, JC Peace.