Page 116 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 116

"Without music,
                                                           life would be
                                LEFT:                   empty." -Jessica-
                                Edward and Peggy Amaya.        clarinet
                                " There are three types of
                                people in this world, those   "Proper prior
                                who can count and those     preperation
                                who can't"- Mr. Amaya-    prevents poor
                                "Working as a team is   -Ben- low brass
                                a lot harder than working
                                as an individual. Anyone   "left, left, left,
                                can work by themselves,      right, left"
                                but it takes hard work and   -anonymous-
                                dedication to work as a
                                team." - Mrs. Amaya -
                 THE DIRECTORS

                                Lynda Bassetti and             Right:
                                Thomas Stimson.          Julia Delaney,
                                "Music Starts in the soul."    Jackie
                                -Lynda-                     Delcastillo,
                                                         Canace Smith,
                                ·•  lfs not just a band. lfs a   and Sevryn
                                family!" -Thomas-               Smith
                                                            "It doesn't
                                                         matter if you're
                                                           marching to
                                                           the beat of a
                                                         different drum
                                                       as long as you're
                THE DRUM MAJORS                         IN STEP!" -Julia-

                                                         include: Ashli
                                                         Blake,  Austin
                                                         Blanton, Matt
                                                         Childs, Kyle
                                                         Guthrie, Cory
                                                         Moore, Bobby
                                                         Trimble, Eddie
                                                         Soto, and
                                                         Roberto Soto.
                                                         " IDK! My
                                                         BFF Eathan."

                                                                   Ray Brewington, Hope Burleson, Kenny Carawan, William Carawan, Cameron
                                                                   Chrest, Brianna Conlon, Patrick Costello, Tiffany Dledeman, Ashley English,
                                                                   Mary  Greer,  Ben  Grier,  Cory  Jones,  Darin  Jones,  Lillian  Legree,  Mandy
                                                                   Matthews,  Whestly  Murphy,  Rebecca  Neil,  Anthony  Pearce,  Jessica  Sapp
         112                                                       Jennifer Smith, Thomas Stimson, Aaron Stokes, Nick Thacker, and Neva Wolf
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