Page 206 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 206
It haJ bt1t1n Juch a }CJ'I tCJ watch
'ICJU f'tCJW and it Jt1t1mJ likt1 tht1
'ltlaU havt1 juJt Jftlw b'l· M'l
littlt1 9itl iJ nCJW tt1ad'l tCJ fCJ
CJut and t1Jept1tit1nct1 tht1 weJ~Id.
JuJt tt1mt1mbt1t bab'l tCJ livt1,
ltwtl, and lau9h, and btl ttut1
tCJ 'ICJU. I havt1 bt1t1n JCJ blt1JJt1d
tCJ btl '/CJUI mCJm. rCJu attl m'l
ptidt1 Dtat!
--Ltwtl MCJm