Page 211 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 211

Stacy Marie


                                                                     ~:-JL~~~~iJfS;!'r' Dt•ar. wcy.
                                                                                         ~~c arc all \TrY proud of you. }ou haH' filled
                                                                                         our hear/.\ with /m·e and lrappzne\s. God has
                                                                                         hie ned vou wllh a huhhlv 1en1e of humor and a
                                                                                         .lmilt•thatli~htl up a room  Keep Je\u\jirlt in
                                                                                         wur life and let wur ~oa/1 ht!ih  Look on tht•
                                                                                         hnght \tde of t'H'rY situation, and 1eek Go</ I
                                                                                         ,,·if/for vour life before vou choo.\e your path
                                                                                         Vc1·er douht what vou an capable of accom·
                                                                                         pli1hzn~ and ,\L\~ u·  rememha Philtpptalll
                                                                                         .J·/3 "I can do a// thing.\ throu •h ChrW11·ho
                                                                                         .\trenght·m mt
                                                                                            \~e lo1·e you l"t'IJ' muclr  ·lacy  Ho  !
                                                                                                Dad  \tom  Tvler
                                                                                         \'anme Carol, Jack. ,\anme \ermce and Poppa.

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