Page 208 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 208
We arc so proud of you son, and thank you for pn-kmg us. Life~'
;oumcy has many hurdles that we know you can OL'crcomc and
succeed at whatever you choose. Explore all ojyour
po · tbdtties son, remember to aht'ays l1e true
to yourselj! ve Always-Aiom & Dad
~Vhen your head and heart agree, you are I 1ttlc Hrotho;
on the right path! }au arc 11ot so l1ttle a11ymorc! Reach for your dreams!
lou hat•c got what 1t take.' to do m~vtlu
go for 1t tllld do11't look back!
I love you c:'T good luck!
Do 110/ follow tehcrc the path may lead. Go, mstcad, where there IS 110 path a11d lccll'C a trml. -Ralph ~\~lido Fmerso11