Page 84 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 84
Teacher , administrator , paraprofessional . and school taff this profession originated in their own journey through hig
are all important for equipping students for the journey through school; in fact, we even have one teacher on campus who w
high school and into the rest of their lives. The faculty and a student here not o many years ago -- Ms. Pamela Surrenc
taff at Fort White are known for their quirks, stories, and their Other have family members that graduated from FHW
ability to relate learning to the important moments in life. A many years ago or by orne other twist or fork in the road fe
valuable le on for tudents, each faculty member i al ·o in into step with this particular group of traveling companio
the middle of a personal and profes ional journey and seeks for a season. The combined experiences and interests of o
to gleen what wisdom and experience they can from the road current faculty provide an annotated and illustrated map ~
they are now traveling. For many teachers, the de ire to join the students seeking to strike out into the world.