Page 89 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 89
Another new tradition at FWHS this
year~ fa~ulty superlatives. Tlte ~lass of
2008 ~atne up with the idea ~o111pletely
on their own. Tltey notninated and voted
on tlte fa~ulty tltey felt were 1110st deserv·
ing. eniors wanted to do this be~ause
they aren ~t known for anything so far
this year and tltey were hoping tltis would
give tlte111 ~redit for the start of soJne-
thing new. Tl•ey also wanted to sit ow
their apJ,redation to their favorite fa~nlty
Best 1\ll ,\round: ~1r. llatd1er and ~Irs. lloward
IJest toryteller: ~lr. Joiner and ~Irs. lleeke
llest ,\Uitude: ~lr. lluadley and ~Irs. Heirs Best Personality: Conl'h llunter nnd Jlrs. Bundy