Page 85 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 85
1. Mr. Duval, VP of discipline and
Mr. Burt, Dean of discipline celebrate
literacy Day w•!h Tessa Moss, dressed
as the cat from THE CAT IN THE HAT.
2. Mrs. Cason, dressed as Tom
Sawyer, engages her class 1r a
rous1ng math lesson on L1teracy Day,
Mrs. Diedeman, HOSA teacher and our 2nd annua1 at FWHS
sponsor, recalls her best memory as a
teacher at Fort White· 3. Coach Howard, w1th a look of
sat sfact1on, pies one of h s m1ddle
"One night I got a phone call, a phone
school football players during a pep
call I never expected but one I had ra' y
always hoped for It was one of my
students wtth excitmg news, she 4. Coach Moore mt•oduces the 'Tllddle
had passed her State Board Nursing school football team to the entire
campus wtule msp1•1ng school sp1nt
Assistant Exam ... l was thrilled and
like only he can'
excited to know that I had the pnvilege
of havmg taught her and watching her 5. Mrs Humpt-ries liste'ls attentively
live out her hopes and dreams.·· as one of her 6th grade rnatr students
volunteers a solut1on to a problem.
Mrs. Diedeman is seen here at the
Indian Uprising as a candidate for
Faculty Queen. 6. Mr Weekley greets students and
- Lauren Howard helps new students f nd t'leir way on
the f rst day of school