Page 193 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 193
"Were you leave today and "Were you leave today and
enter the world of yesterday. enter the world of yesterday. "If noth1ng ever goes nghl
tomorrow. and fantasy.- tomorrow. and fantasy." "I am batman!" should I go left I"
- Wall D.sney -Wall D1sney
"Were you leave today and
enter the world of yesterday.
"I love you Jos1ah" tomorrow. and fantasy." "Inches make champions." "Love and cherish e" 0 '.""''"'"
l1 e it's you last.
-Walt Disney
"Were you leave today and "\I · b f 1 t' "Were you leave today
You re the eauti u one. 1 s
enter the world of yesterday. society that's ug y." "Drop II II e 1t's hot." enter the world of yes
tomorrow. and fantasy." _ Manlyn Monroe -Snoop Dog tomorrow. and fanta