Page 198 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 198
~: r1 Y"t c "Were you leave today and "A painter pa1nts p1clures on
enter the world of yesterday. canvas. but mus1c1ans pa1nt
tomorrow. ond fantasy." thew ptclures on s~ence."
~ oftboll become o pod of my l,fe ol o young oge.
-Wall D1sney -Leopold Stokows 1
My father started a La e Ctty team and that· s where all lh1s
began. [verylh1ng that I learned came from this man and 1!
has he ped me to lh1s day. Now gell1ng through school. well
that· s another lh1ng. I have a ways been he type of person
hal had to study for every hing because II didn't come easy
lo me. This loptc 15 very personal to me and only a couple
of people know thts. but I have never passed the fCAT
read1ng unlil last year. I have always passed math but read-
Ing was my enemy. nld I had lh1& one teacher. W,s name
1& Mr .. Week ey. Th1s eacher too h1s lme W1lh help1ng me
"Were you leave today and
"Nothing is 1mposstble:
learn new vocabulary and understanding lest strategy. I have enter the world of yesterday. [ven the word ttself say5.
tomorrow, and fantasy." I'm possible I'"
always had le&l1ng problems. like when I gel a est 1n front
-Walt Disney
of me I would go blank. Th1s teacher has taught me how to
overcome tho issue. [veryone hal reads this may or may
not laugh. but everyone has some type of problem. I may
not be dea 1ng with school or lesling l&&ues but everyone has
something. I used to be shy about talking about this because
11 ma es people lh1nk I'm stupid, I'm not. I'm JU&I a slower
learner a reading. Mr .. Weekley help1ng me w1lh all this. a so
he ped me wi h somelh1ng bigger. With his help I passed the
fCAT and the ACT which got me a softball scholarsh1p. I
want to thank him for everylhtng he has done for me. I do "Were you leave today and "Intelligence is simply the
enter the world of yesterday.
want to say that 1f other people are havtng problems and feel sum of one's stubbornne55
tomorrow. and fantasy." and cunostly."
I e same way I did. Ia to lhts leacherl -Walt Disney