Page 194 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 194
'o where OM 1 day
've beef"'
as f d w • a
ody Preside"''f or
rvor C ass Pres den I W'ne"' • c.ome down to 1! tho h. I
ass and *"\e ~ sentor year was *"\e mos 1 mpor o •
"Life is not a molter of
ve eve~ wOf' ed was or 1*"\em o ~-)ave a 9reo sento' yeo , and "I'll ma e you proud. m1leslones but of moments.·
I promse."
'10ped 've 9 vel"' them •hot. I now we've hoo our shore o~ rr shop , but - Rose fitzgerald
we've a been I rou9 t em loge! er. wont everyone my c.oss o r>ow
tho om proud o them and w sh "1eM I e best o uc.l: n eve'"yl 9 I ey
do a e~ 9rod>.~o tOr\ ri'Vl!"~'-•'Y'\y of c.ers, espec.tol y ri'"'Y awesome
V,c.e P~eSide"''. V '"9 o I woul be osl w thou!
y best fr e"''d and deo 9 w o My '"azy.
you to 'wo very r on peop e to rre on '> c.orY'pu . t0rs.
een and Ms. Warren. .,."1ey ore two of I he horoes' work ng peop e '"low
and love I e'TI bol . T '"ron you lo anyone e se w~ '10s rrod some pori
rr'e n9 I e person OfT"' 'odoy. o d a b g opo ogy o anyone w'"'IO has
ever beel"l uri by m roth C!Unn9 s ~ess mes Suc.h as WoMec. ng
and Prom. Cong'o at•ons to the c.loss o 2012 W[ MA)[ .,...
<?,patl'l?jlAt on G.l().. r(). w ttst b~ G~\ot PMII.
Thts grl s the hardest wor "9 ur'T"'o beng I ~e eve~ r"J"Ie!. ~rom "Were you leave today and
"The best dreams are the
yeorboo o '"a duo on v 'oftons. s e does o C10 a s so 'a el"' 1 ed o enter the world of yesterday. ones you have ~dh your
tomorrow. and fantasy."
eve~y ng s e does. She's o pe'"fec. 10 sf. w c.h s one thng odm e eyes open.
-Wall Disney
obOu "1er. No ri'"'O fer who '> I')Qf she s d01ng. t' s a ways done
perfectly. W, hou• her help dur ng•ng eve~y school year. we
wouldn' have the best props ever. S'ne never c.eoses to orY'oze 'l'e
w' o of her c.reo ons. [very 1 me oo o one. ~nd rryse f I ng.
"Ths has 'o be her best work yet" and I e'l lge's eve" be•e~ he
'"lex me. T h s sc.hoo w be a o of
c.o or h s year when she groduo es. know
'TIISS her c.rozy c.reof ve tmag no on and o
I e loug s we shored together. [ven offer o
I e fmes we wonted o eoc.h o'"1er dunng
Uor'T"' ng wee and w en e
boo dead ne c.ome c. ose. I sf love er to
"Were you leave today and
"Caitlin Congi for president!
enter the world of yesterday.
One love."
tomorrow. and fantasy."
sc. -Wat D1sney