Page 11 - history-related-to-methodism-and-early-settlement-in-florida-(esther-bernice-howell-haworth)-1961
P. 11

History Related to Methodism and Early Settlement in Florida (1961) Esther Bernice Howell Haworth

                                     Oh, if thy sex were al) like thee— So generous and so just—
                                     How small the sum of misery To those who kindly trust.

                                     ’Tis sweet to think that heart of thine Can feel for others’ woes
                                     And  gently  draw  the  “poison  darts”  that  pierce  the  hearts  of

                                     In life, I never can forget The one so true to me.
                                     True, did 1 say ? Yes, true, indeed, Will my dear A.M.L.R. be.

                                     I never knew a moment’s bliss Like that I do know now,
                                     When first the impress of thy kiss Was printed on my brow.

                                     When  sorrow  my  sad  soul  shall  wring  And  sickness  lays  me
                                     The music of they sweetest voice Will banish all my woe.

                                     I never to her faithful heart Have yet appealed in vain;
                                              She loves a solace to impart
                                              And channs away my main.

                                     One hour of pious joy is worth A thousand days of other bliss.
                                     Without  thee  I’m  undone  on  earth  Still  in  thy  presence,  I  am

                                     Thus, while we stay upon this earth
                                     As Companions to each other,

                                      May virtue, love and friendship dear Unite us close together-
                                                           • • • •

                                      The thought is sweet, to know that we
                                      Shall meet in joys to reign In Yonder Land of Love, and be
                                      Ne’er doomed to part again.

                   Copy from a Rare Clipping Saved by Ann Mary Robarts Collins (Clipping from

            THE THE AMERICAN PATRIOT (1811).

                   “The story is related  in the 11th chapter of Judges—Jepthah, at the head of an
             army,  was  marching  to  attack  the  children  of  Ammon.  Before  the  battle,  he  made  a
             vow,  that  should  he  be  successful,  he  would  offer  a  burnt  offering  to  the  Lord  of
             whatsoever should first come forth from the door of his house. He was the victor, and
             upon  his  return  to  his  home,  he  saw  his  only  child,  a  daughter,  with  musical
             instruments, and dancing, coming out to meeet him- And when he saw her he rent his
            clothes, and said Alas! my daughter though has brought me very low; I have vowed
             and  I  cannot  go  back.  The  daughter  replied—My  father,  if  though  hast  pledged
             thyself to the Lord, perform it; for he has given your enemies unto your hands. She
             requested  for  a  delay  of  two  months,  that  she  might  conform  to  certain  national
            customs.  At  the  end  of  the  time,  she  returned  to  her  father,  who  sacrificed  her  as  a
             burnt offerin gto the Lord, according to his vow.”

              LCH-UUID: LCH-UUID: 16156D83-99A4-40B7-9288-19A959420599
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