Page 7 - history-related-to-methodism-and-early-settlement-in-florida-(esther-bernice-howell-haworth)-1961
P. 7

History Related to Methodism and Early Settlement in Florida (1961) Esther Bernice Howell Haworth

                   Mrs. Alva Payne in her history of Bethel Methodist Church, in 1933 tells of Mrs.
             Martha  Perry’s  description  of  “Old  Bethel.”  She  states,  “she  told  us  of  the  good
             meetings they had and described the building and furniture. The Church was a small
             log building and was located about two miles northeast of this Church where we are
             now assembled- The pulpit and floor were made of logs split in halves. Pegs were put
             in half logs for seats.” In the early 1850’s the progressive Pioneer Members of “Old
             Bethel”  decided  to  build  a  new  Church  and  the  land  was  given  by  Simeon  L.
             Sparkman,  and  according to Mrs. Alva  Payne the NEW CHURCH was first used in
             the Spring of 1856.

                                      "OLD BETHEL” AS COMPARED WITH
                                        FORT CALL METHODIST CHURCH

                   It seems that the first Methodist building of note was at Fort Call, Florida. Mrs.
             Stella  Collins  Layfield  states  in  a  Historical  Sketch  of  Tus-  tenuggee  Methodist
             Church that the Rev. J. C. Ley made the statement when he was in the community in
             1845 “that when he came there was no Church” and he reports the building of one at
             Fort  Call-  In  the  Appendix  of  FIFTY-TWO  YEARS  IN  FLORIDA—by  Rev.  J.  C.
             Ley,  Rev.  McTyerre  states;  “As  far  as  I  know  the  first  house  of  prayer  that  was
             erected under my ministry—a small log house at Fort Call, with hewn puncheon floor
             and  seats—It  was  a  rude  building,  but  it  answered  the  wants  of  the  people  there  in
             1845. Little did we think then of the nucleous of power then planted, nor that in after
            years it should be said in triumph that this or that man was bom there." AND SO IT

                   Abram Isaac Robarts and Ann Andrew
                   Langley Bryant and wife Mary—
                   Wh. Niblack and wife Dennie Tyson
                   S. L. Sparkman
                   James Bryant
                   Langley Bray nt, Jr.
                   John S. Goodbread and wife Chairty Crews
                   C. H. B. Collins and wife Ann Mary Robarts
                   Zachariah Randall Roberts and wife Mary Vinzant Hancock
                   Arthur Roberts and wife Rebecca Bryant
                   The Elijah Mattox family
                   The earcly Cox family
                   The early Hancock family
                   The early Henry family
                   The early Fife family
                   The early Pritchard family
                   The early Hunter family
                   The early Perry family and,
                   “Old  Bethel’s  first  five  members  (according  to  existing  records):  Zachariah
             Randall Roberts, received in 1824, on profession of faith, by Rev. John L. Jerry. He
             married Mary Vinzant Hancock (widow of “Cader” Hancock) July 27, 1847.

              LCH-UUID: LCH-UUID: 16156D83-99A4-40B7-9288-19A959420599
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