Page 6 - history-related-to-methodism-and-early-settlement-in-florida-(esther-bernice-howell-haworth)-1961
P. 6

History Related to Methodism and Early Settlement in Florida (1961) Esther Bernice Howell Haworth

                      (This list is incomplete, but it is hoped that it will be enlarged in the future.)

                                    EARLY ORGANIZERS OF “OLD BETHEL”
                      The main flow of settlement in East Florida was after the change of flags in
                1821.  It  is  known  from  Methodist  History  that  in  1822  there  were  Methodist
                itinerants  in  Florida,  and it is  known from  records  existing  at  this  time  that “Old
                Bethel”  had  organized  meetings  prior  to  1824  since  THERE  IS  A  CHURCH
                RECORD  PROVING  THAT  Z.  R.  ROBERTS  JOINED  IN  1824.  Also,  in  1824
                Florida  was  made  a  district  with  Josiah  Evans  appointed  as  presiding  Elder.  The
                people emigrated to middle Florida and the Indians “retired to the east and south of
                the  Suwannee.”  Rev.  Evans  presided  over  the  district-  One  of  his  sustaining
                itinerant preachers was John L. Jerry, who received Zachariah Randall Roberts, on
                profession of faith into “Old Bethel” in 1824. (Z, R. Roberts was the Uncle of Lake
                City’s—Mrs. May Vinzant Perkins.)

                                 JOHN L. JERRY AND “OLD BETHEL CHURCH
                      John  L.  Jerry,  was  bom  May  11,  1793;  was  admitted  to  the  South  Carolina
                Conference  in  1818,  and  was  one  of  the  early  missionaries  sent  to  Florida.  The
                bounds  of  his  work  are  known  to  have  embraced  St.  Augustine.  Crawford  (Jax),
                Fernandina,  Newnansville,  and  Micanopy—and  consequently  must  have  included
                “Old Bethel” Methodists priod to 1824-

                      It is stated on Page 34 of FIFTY-TWO YEARS IN FLORIDA by J. C. Ley
                that “we have been unable to procure the minutes of the Conference prior to 1846;
                hence the works who served them, and when, especially in the eastern part of our
                Territory,  we  have  to  leave  for  revelation  bfore  the  great  white  throne.”  But  a
                published sermon by Rev. E. L. T. Blake preached upon the fifteenth anniversary
                of that Church (Pensacola) has given much information upon which can be drawn.
                And now, the old record book of “Old Bethel”.

                   It is known that John L. Jerry had married and settled his family and gave a large
             part of his time to the east, and it is known from records at hand that he Christened
             Ann Mary Lavinia Collins in 1839- So it is known that he was here in 1824 and 1839.

                   From  the  statements  of  old  timers  there  were  many  Bush  meetings.  —In  these
             early years there was a need for the highest heroism and these early “OLD BETHEL”
             members  willingly  met  this  need;  they  conquered  the  wilderness;  preached  and
             prayed for the Indians; nursed and shared with their servants, and ministered to all in

                   There seems to be no way of establishing the exact date when “Old Bethel was
             built. It seems from Methodist history that it was common for two or three people to
             meet  and  hold  religious  services  in  any  dwelling  or  fort  and  one  can  very  well
             imagine  from  the  facts  of  settlement  that  this  was  the  case  of  “Old  Bethel’s  early

              LCH-UUID: LCH-UUID: 16156D83-99A4-40B7-9288-19A959420599
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