Page 171 - lake-city-florida-a-sesquicentennial-tribute-(h-morris-williams-kevin-mccarthy)-2009
P. 171

Lake City, Florida: A Sesquicentennial Tribute (2009) H. Morris Williams, Dr. Kevin M. McCarthy

                                                                       Chapter Fourteen: 1940 - 1949

                                                            World War II

                                         During World War II, a large 15-panel sign was displayed in
                                 Olustee Park listing the name of every Columbia Countian who was
                                 serving in the war. The heading for the sign read “Columbia County
                                 men serving in the armed forces of our country. You may well be
                                 proud of these young men whose names appear below.”

                                                                    Among the many local resi-
                                                                   dents who served in the war
                                                                  was Owen Douglas, the son of
                                                                  W.B. Douglas. He served as a
                                                                  first lieutenant in the war and
                                                                    later became an assistant
                                                                  state forester and chief of fire

                                         There is this anecdote about the late Rev. Dr. E.F. Mont-
                                 gomery Sr., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church for more than 40
                                 years: during World War II, “Dr. Mont.” received hundreds of letters
                                 from young men and women away at war. He personally answered
                                 every letter, always including news from home and a small calendar
                                 because people at war could lose track of time. After the war and  Dr.
                                 Montgomery’s death, his son Ed returned those “war letters” at his
                                 own expense to the families of the letter writers.


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