Page 92 - lake-city-florida-a-sesquicentennial-tribute-(h-morris-williams-kevin-mccarthy)-2009
P. 92

Lake City, Florida: A Sesquicentennial Tribute (2009) H. Morris Williams, Dr. Kevin M. McCarthy

                                                     Hotel Blanche

                                     Workers built the Hotel Blanche in 1902 to be a main draw
                              downtown for the expected tourists. According to Dictionary of
                              Florida Historic Places, the structure at 212 North Marion Street
                                                              is a T-shaped, three-story ma-
                                                              sonry building that had addi-
                                                              tions to it in 1924 and 1925. It
                                                              was Lake City’s and Columbia
                                                              County’s major hotel, social
                                                              facility, and central business
                                                              center from 1902 to 1955.
                                                              Frank Pierce Milburn, one of
                                                              the Southeast’s leading archi-
                                                              tects, designed it. 31
                                     The Hotel Blanche
                                     Even today in the 21st century, the elegance of the hotel is
                              such that newlyweds have their photograph taken on the grand
                              staircase in the lobby (see photograph below).


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