Page 11 - white-springs-united-methodist-church-cook-book-(2017)-united-methodist-women
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White Springs United Methodist Church Cook Book (2017) United Methodist Women

                                   SLICED PEACHES                    JULIE GAFFORD

              1 can cling peach halves                    3/4 C sugar
              1/2 C vinegar                               2 stks cinnamon
              1 t whole cloves                            1 t whole allspice

              Drain syrup from peaches into saucepan and combine
              with sugar, vinegar and spices (wrapped in cheese™
              cloth) . Stir and boil for five minutes. Add peaches
              and simmer gently about 5 minutes more. Refrigerate
              24 hrs before serving.

                              MASME'S PEPPER RELISH                       JULIE GAFFORD

              12 bell peppers ™ ground or blended fine
              7 onions - ground                           1 T salt
              3 C sugar                                   3 C white vinegar
              Pickling spice tied in bag or tea strainer

              Mix and cook for 30 minutes - stirring often.
              Pour into hot jars and seal at once. 3 qts.

                                   SQUASH PICKLES                    JULIE GAFFORD

              8 C squash, sliced thin                     2 C onions, sliced thin
              4 bell peppers, sliced thin
              Put all into large shallow container. Sprinkle with
              uniodized salt and let stand 1 hour.

              2  C white vinegar                          2 t celery seed
              3  C sugar                                  2 t tumeric
              2 t mustard seed

              Mix sugar, vinegar & spices. Bring to boil, add drained
              squash, onions, etc and boil for 2-3 minutes. Pack into
              hot jars and seal. Makes 4-5 pints.

                     LCH-UUID: A9D3293D-C3F7-4D62-A0B2-C7896C19EE69
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