Page 10 - a-columbia-county-boys-recollections-and-memories-of-columbia-county-florida-(2012)-lenvil-h-dicks
P. 10
A Columbia County Boy's Recollections and Memories of Columbia County Florida (2012) Lenvil H. Dicks
I wish to dedicate this book to my daughter Suzanne, and to the grandchildren with which she has
provided me, Brandon Mason, Brent Mason, Ashley Adams, David Adams, and Shanna Adams.
My son Brad Dicks, and the 3 grandchildren with which he has provided me, namely, Sarah, John Isaac,
and Aaron Lenvil.
My youngest son Andrew “Andy” Dicks.
2 LCH-UUID: B423BA50-F22B-4D87-A44C-403308C92982