Page 12 - a-columbia-county-boys-recollections-and-memories-of-columbia-county-florida-(2012)-lenvil-h-dicks
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A Columbia County Boy's Recollections and Memories of Columbia County Florida (2012) Lenvil H. Dicks
To somewhat paraphrase something Abraham Lincoln once said, all of this book may be interesting to
some of the readers; some of this book may be interesting to all of the readers; but all. of this book will
not be interesting to all of the readers.
I expect those people who will read this book all the way through, and somewhat enjoy it, will be those
who have known me most of my life, and themselves remember a lot of the things, and a lot of the same
people, I mention in this book. They will be Columbia County people.
The one person getting the absolute most out of this book is myself, Lenvil Dicks. In trying to put my
memories down on paper, I began to find that it was beginning to sort of summarize my life for me in a
way I had not anticipated, and seemed to tie a neat little string around it. I began to realize more fully
how precious life has been to me perhaps in somewhat the same way a person might when they find out,
or begin to suspect, that their life on this earth is not too far from being over.
Very likely, both these elements were involved in my inner feelings when I was bringing this book to a
conclusion. Lord willing, I will be 84 years old by the time it is published, and I know it ain’t going to
be as long as it has been.
I apologize for those places in the book where I might seem to be bragging on myself. That was not my
intent at all, but there have been a few things in my life that 1 feel 1 have the right to be proud of, and I
thank the Lord God for them. The very top of the list is my father and mother, and my brothers and
So, DEAR READER, read on, and I hope you are one of those who might enjoy the whole book. LCH-UUID: B423BA50-F22B-4D87-A44C-403308C92982