Page 179 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 179

Some Stuff I Wrote (2001) H. Morris Williams

                 the best blocking back in the SEC.

                      SCHOOL  MUSEUM  THANKS  —  To  Pat  Kemp,  Tschama  Joye,  Henrietta  Kirkland  and
                 Delan  Etheridge  for  laminating  many  old  school  newspapers,  football  programs,  graduation

                 programs,  etc....  To  Ralph  Bell  for  donating  1951  and  1953  yearbooks  in  mint  condition  ...  To
                 Freddie  Johnson  for  donating  a  photo  of  the  class  of  1941  ...  To  Ferra  Appell  Glaze  for  yearbooks

                 of  Florida  Agriculture  College  and  Columbia  College  -  and  for  an  original  copy  of  the  Inauguration
                 Program when Lake Citian Fred P. Cone was sworn in as Governor.

                      MY  PERSONAL  THANKS  ...  To  Nancy  Wheaton,  Dr.  Susan  Summers,  Betty  Flanagan,
                 Hazel  Robinson,  and  the  entire  local  DAR  for  awarding  me  their  Community  Service  Award.  I  will

                 try  to  become  the  person  you  believe  me  to  be...  To  the  great  young  members  of  the  record-setting
                 CHS  swim  team  for  allowing  me  to  speak  at  your  banquet.  I  assure  you  it  was  an  honor...  To  the

                Methodist  Church’s  Men’s  Club  for  allowing  me  to  be  a  guest  speaker  at  your  Ladies  Night...  To
                Debbie  Cassidy,  our  director  of  School  Food  Services,  for  allowing  me  the  honor  of  introducing  the
                renowned  Thelma  Flanagan  at  the  District  School  Food  Services  Leadership  Seminar...  To  Mike

                Null,  Director  of  Purchasing  for  our  school  system,  for  the  donation  of  a  color  photograph  showing
                an  aerial  view  of our new  stadium  moments  before  the  kickoff  at  the CHS vs. Live Oak game, Sept.

                     RETIREMENT CONGRATULATIONS__________Lucy Cole retired from her work at the local
                public  library  on  Dec.  9,  after  16  years  of  service.  Lucy’s  hard  work  and  dedication  have  made  her
                one  of  the  most  beloved  and  respected  county  employees.  Good  luck,  Lucy,  and  thanks  for  all  you

                have done!
                     SCHOOL  NOTE  ...  This  was  turned  into  a  local  school  last  week:  “Please  excuse  ‘Mary’

                for her absences cause she just died and she’s been having headaches ever since.”


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