Page 83 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 83

Some Stuff I Wrote (2001) H. Morris Williams

                       “A  walking  encyclopedia”...  Frances  Wilson  is  an  administrative  aide  in  our  county  school
                office.  Her  voluminous  knowledge  of  school-related  information  has  served  four  superintendents

                well. School Board member Harvey Campbell once said, “Frances Wilson is a walking encyclopedia
                of  knowledge  on  school  law,  school  board  policy  and  state  regulations.”  You  can  be  sure  she  will

                be missed when she retires in December, 1993.
                       Richardson  High  School  and  Memorial  Stadium  ...  CHS  is  not  the  only  high  school  with

                memories  of  Memorial  Stadium,  now  in  its  final  season.  The  black-only  Richardson  Wolves  also
                played  there  back  in  pre-integration  days.  Who  can  forget  the  great  coaching  of  Richard  Anders

                (now  a  school  board  member)  and  the  late  John  Burgess?  And  great  players  like  Glynnel  Presley,
                Jake  Bradley,  Leroy  Jenkins  and  Hal  Pearson,  to  name  just  a  few?  And  a  brilliant  spirited  young

                band  director  named  Alphonso  Levy?  A  student  memory:  the  years  the  orange  and  green  hosted  the
                annual Turpentine Bowl, back when high school bowl games were almost unheard of.

                       Deadly  diamond-back  ...  Mattie  Kirby  Lane  (Athens  Church  Community)  keeps  a  family
               memory  album  that  goes  back  to  the  early  1900’s.  The  album  recalls  the  true  story  told  by  Mattie’s

               grandfather,  Pearce  Carpenter:  A  woods  rider  was  working  alone  deep  in  the  woods  when  a
               diamond-back  rattlesnake  bit  him  through  his  boot  on  the  toe.  Fearing  a  painful  death,  the  man  took

               his  axe  and  cut  off  the  toe.  Then  he  made  it  back  home  and  somehow  managed  to  survive.
               Sometime  later,  he  was  working  back  in  the  same  area  and  saw  the  amputated  toe.  Out  of  curiosity,
               he  took  a  small  stick  and  pushed  the  poisoned  toe  this  way  and  that  to  look  at  it.  Later,  he

               absentmindedly used the stick as a toothpick. The man died the next day.
                       Anyone  for  Las  Vegas?  ...  The  Tallahassee  Democrat  selects  one  person  each  week  to

               analyze FSU’s game that week and predict the final score in print one day before the game is played.
               Gene  Cox  (CHS,  1952)  was  featured  as  guest  analyst  the  first  week.  His  prediction  :  FSU  42,

               Kansas  7.  The  actual  final  score  was  42-0.  And  if  it  hadn’t  been  for  FSU’s  magnificent  goal  line
               stand, Gene may have called it exactly.


               LCH-UUID: CD05D759-5273-4705-A6D7-381FCF749098
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88