Page 86 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 86

Some Stuff I Wrote (2001) H. Morris Williams

                Afghanistans and other refugees who settled in Lake City. And member Bea Kozlowksi began the
                marvelous blind fellowship group known as “Blind Alley.” Pastors Deb and Jim Fischer are

                conducting worship services at the Episcopal Church building until the new St. Luke’s is built.
                       World  class  penmanship  ...  Kenneth  Winford  Nettles  (CHS,  1928)  died  last  week.  In  his

                youth,  he  had  received  a  degree  from  the  world-famous  Palmer  School  of  Penmanship.  In  those
                days,  penmanship  was  considered  an  art  form,  and  graduates  of  the  Palmer  School  were  considered

                to  be  among  the  best  anywhere.  Kenneth’s  specialty  was  calligraphy  and  he  was  so  expert  at  this
                craft  that  he  hand-lettered  the  University  of  Florida  diplomas  during  the  1930s.  Many  locals  will

                also  remember  his  late  wife,  Daisy,  who  was  a  long-time  school  nurse  at  Lake  City  Junior  High
                       In  the  Guiness  Book  of  Records  ...  D.  F.  Creel,  well-known  local  brick  and  block  mason,

                once  earned  his  way  into  the  book  of  world  records.  Working  on  a  project  near  Columbia  City,  D.
                F.  laid  4,485  concrete  blocks  in  six  and  one-half  hours.  He  says  he  could  have  done  more  if  the

                trucks  could  have  gotten  the  blocks  to  him  faster.  One  other  occasion,  D.  F.  laid  9,800  bricks  in
                eight  hours  —  and  laid  his  own  mortar.  When  people  praise  him  for  his  work,  D.  F.  always  says,

                “Glory be to God. Without Him, I am nothing.”
                       Oh,  won’t  you  play  with  me  ...  The  K.I.D.S.  Center  has  some  adorable  babies  that  need

                rocking  and  some  bright-eyed  toddlers  that  need  adult  playmates.  To  volunteer,  call  758-0650.
                Friendly warning: you may experience love at first sight. Any further contact may be habit-forming!

                       What  age  do  we  live  in?  ...  This  is  the  age  of  the  half-read  page  and  the  quick  cash  and  the
                mad  dash,  the  bright  light  with  the  nerves  tight,  the  plane  hop  with  the  brief  stop,  the  lamp  tan  in  a

                short span, the big shot in a good spot, and the brain strain and the heart pain, and the catnaps * til the
                spring snaps — and the fun’s done!

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