Page 40 - vera-kilgore-heilig-her-poetry-lives-(2017)-h-morris-williams-and-marie-law-haire
P. 40

Vera Kilgore Heilig: Her Poetry Lives (2017) H. Morris Williams, Marie Law Haire

            There Have Been Wars

            There have been wars since Lucifer decided

            That he should be God.
            Brave men have fought for what they

            Knew was right.
            The men who fought against them fought

            From greed or lust for power.
            Three wars in my lifetime.

            The first, remembered dimly, when we children

            “Kaiser Bill went up the hill

            To take a peek at France”
            And “Huns” became a word to whisper with

            Delicious shivering.

            The women kissed the doughboys sad adieus
            And smiled while their hearts beat “over there.”

            They turned the dark clouds inside out
            And served their families meatless meals and

            Wheatless meals

            And knitted socks and sweaters till the boys
            Came home.

            Some never came,
            And some who came were maimed

            While others wore their scars inside.
            But all were proud.

            Their war had made the world safe for


            But Hitler rose and Mussolini, Hirohito too
            And slant-eyed pilots dropped their bombs

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