Page 61 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 61

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                                              nuta  uiau tGitrrartJ  nrirtu

                                                  .:\Im 1 o  -"I mmer  \ ·oran  . "

                                 'o L<>R   )  tllm,  and  "hite.  F1  O\\ I· R   )  ellm'   n  anthemum.

                                                        OFFI  'I  R
                      T  \LLII   I 0  ' I•                                                     Pre  iden:
                        \IH . ' I·  p \(,1:                                               \ ·ice-Pre  ident

                      LILLI\    () ,                                                          l.ihrarian
                      [LOI~I:  J>  \1.\IORI:                                                    el n·tary
                      I  I  'ICHl  \I  l) \\\ . 0                                             Trea urer
                       \   II  •  'I I  I' HI·   ..,                                               'ritir

                         The  \I on ta!!uian  Literan  . Ol iet~   till  In  it  infanq.   ( )nl)   lllet'  nineteen
                      hundred  and  t\\ eh e  ha~  It  been  k no\\ n  In   '  olumh1.l   ollet!t'  a  \I  I .   Hcl\\ e\ n

                      \ oung the  organization  ma~ I e,  let  us  .... ee  .1 u..,t  hrietl)  onu· of  the  thin!!s  that  ha\ e  been
                      arrompli ·hed.  ( )ur  whole  heart  ha  been  in  the  "ork  for  aidint!  the  colle •e  111  ollll'
                      \\ay.   In  the  College.  uditorium  1  "here  \\e  h:l\e  \\orked  mot  taithtulh.   But  lt·t

                      u  turn  to  a  more  intere  ting pha e  ot  the  \I. L.  .'.  \\'hat  j..,  its  purpo e?  \\e an  \\l'f
                      the  que  tion  thu..,:  To imprme the  litenn)  ta..,te,  to  learn  to  he  "at  home"  \\hen  render
                      ing a  ..,eJection  of all\  art: in  general.  to  become  acquainted  "ith  the  educational  "orld.
                      The motto  "Immer  \  oran  ,"  1·  Hr~ conducive  to  an  or{!anization  of  thi  kind.  \\In?
                      E, er upward  or  onward  i  our  aim  in  life:  that  i  what  an  education  i   or.  To  lead

                      u  om,·ard  in  our educational  '' ork,  to  help  th  each  da)  to  gro"  mental!) .

                           ..,  I.  the  writer of  thi  article.  ''ill  not  lw  among  the  fair  maiden..,  of  the  \I.  L.
                      another  )ear,  ma)  I  . a)  jut  a  word  in  conclu  ion.   \Lt)  the  \lonta Tuian  Literary
                      ._'ociety  pro..,per  in  the  tuture  a~  it  ha ·  in  the  pa ·t.   Don't  become  di ... count!!ed,

                      ju  t  work  a..,  though  )OUr  life  depended  on  it.   To  me  1  ha  been  one  of  the
                      mot  intere  ting  part  of  Ill)  college  life.   'ompetition   intere  tinT,  "or  up  pirit.
                      Thi..,  wi  h  and  then  I  will  have  tini  hed:   \I a\  jo),  peale,  happine   and  pro  perit)
                      crown  thee,  and  Ia  t,  hut  not  lea  t  b)  far,  "Be one  of  the  thinker  ,  of  the  thinking  fe\\.

                      Hut  /m()l£"  )OU  think,  when  )OU  think  )Oll  do."

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