Page 62 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 62

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                                           qilnanpqian 1£itrrury  nri  tn

                                                        OFFI  I'R '.

                          \1.  F.  F \R \1 J R,  Pre  ident.     H.  D.  L\\\,  Vice-President.
                          L.  ( 1.  D1~10  I>,  :ecretar)        H.  P.  Ho\\ \RD,  Treasurer.
                          R.  B.  D  WIS.   'haplin              RICH  \RD  \VI HB,  ,'ergeant-at-arm  .
                          R.  '  :\IoRL,  Reporter.              PRoF.  F.   .  :\\I';,   ritic.

                         Feel in!!  that  ~ ou  \\ ould  he  J!reatl~  interested  m  knm\ in!!  \\ ho  "the)"  are,  the
                      o ·iet)  bel!  to  make  the  following  report:
                         In  previous  ) ears  there  \\ere  t\\ o  bo)  '  Literan  'ocietie  in  the  college,  hut  feelmg
                     that  the  number  of  male :--.tudent  \\'a-.  comparatiH·Iy  small  tor  t\\ o  -.ucces  ful  -.ocietie ',
                     they  decided  that  the)  could  do  more  efficient  work  if  the  t\\ o  o ·i  tie-.  would  unite.
                     Thus  at  the  beginninj!  of  the  )Car  the  -.ocieties  united,  choosing  a·  a  relic  a  part  of
                     the name  of each of the old  -.ocieties-\\ hich  were the  Phil ilogian  and  the  Ero-.ophian-
                     ,md  gave  the  ne\\  oci  ty  the  name  Philo. ophian.

                        The  bo) .  have  enjo)ed  many  good,  snappy  debate  111  their  hall  during  the  \ear,
                     he:--.ide.  t\\ o  open  program-.  \\ hich  were  e -cellentl)  carried  out.
                         In  a  call  meeting  of  \larch  the  twenty-fourth,  the  pre-.ident  tendered  his  resigna-
                     tion  to  the  ociet),  much  to  the  regret  of  all.  \I r.  Farn:er  ha  made  an  e  cellent  presi
                     dent  durin!!  the )t'ar,  flllinl!  the  honored  po  ition  with  dignity  and  ea-.e.  The  president
                     \\on  hi  \\ m  into  the  heart-.  of  ever)  ho\ - althouj!h  on I)  in  chool  two  tern1-.-hi.
                     magi  influence  \\ill  be  felt  in  coming  ) ear-..   Each  ho~  cheri  he·  a  \\arm  place  in  hi
                     heart  for  the  honored  pre  idem,  and  it  i-.  \\ ith  J!rief  that  the)  bo\\  to  the  inevitable.
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