Page 64 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 64
11 19 t_@)l10.5.50K~ 1s 11
rippr rrk at O!nluuthiu
.\I \ RC II I --1 9 .
~Io 7 :00 .\I i unr1all) i ~ripped.
I 0 :2- Edna begin to recuperate. \Vho i coming-;>
3 :I:; " Little-un" in tructor in ( J\ rn.
7 :30 \I' rtle' time to "ear tufh' wearer.
I 't Is. 7 :()() La ( J rippe ~rill rei!!tL
7 :0- Bell (not \\'tllingharn) disappear from \li · R.' table.
I2 :20 Bell a~ain mi~sing.
12:3- nimal di covered \\ hich rang the hell.
7 :2) new ca e of ~rip annoumed- The Phili...,ophian .
\V1o. s: ~() Kee\\ atin ho\ arrive.
I 0:30 Dormitor~ ho\ receive a lecture on etiquette.
I 0 :+=i 'l<bse~ t e umed.
3 :00 (iame called "ith Kee\\ atin.
) : l- , core, I2 to 3. tavor Columbia.
) :30 Kee\\ a tin on the wa~ to ( ;, m in borrowed robe .
6:0() H ilariou..., upper.
6: l:; Li~hh out.
6:20 ) ell .
() :22 \l ore ) ell .
() :2+ \ lo. t 't ell .
6:+0 Keewatin retires.
7 :00 Cowbell · tinkle.
S :UO , i~ht hi rt parade lea\ ( can pu .....
10:1- \Vho lit the bonf1re?
THt,R. 7:06 Keewatin late to breakf:L t.
7:30 \I on t'\ 'i .... it..., the college.
:00 ~la: e .
I 0:10 hapel bell rm~s.
10:20 'oach 'am p:n · high tribute to ~ ·pirit.