Page 65 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 65

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                              10:30    our   on\ ene .

                              1 (): 31   \\ h o  I i t  the  ho n t ll t  ?
                                        Dean Jom  .  pn  t•rutinr!:  attorne}  .  '<  .tch  am  ,  attorn<')  tor  de  llLe.
                              10:+0   Fir  tho}  intenie\\ed.
                              It :+2   llond  ho)  in ten it>\\ rd.

                              1 () :++  Third  ho) ·  chance.
                               to:+-  ( 1i rl  I a\ e  holid:n  and  ocial  hour?
                              I 1 :( H l   Report:   o  ocial  hour  l· rida)  ni~ht.

                              II :02   I·Je,·enth  ho)  in ten ie\\ ed.
                              12:20   Dinner  Bell.
                              12:30    'ou rt  adjourn  .
                                        "\\Tho  lit  thr  bonfire?"

                               I :1-   l.t  {'   0
                               3:00   ~ eumd  ~ame called  '' ith  1\..eewatin.
                               -  :10  :e, enth  innin!!,  '.  '. +.  K.  3.
                               - :3ll  ( 1ood-h) e  l\..eewat1n!   But  aren't  the}  gentle?

                               (>:I :;   \\Tho  '' h1  pered  parade  to  the  girl  ?
                               (): 16   ~I1 -..   unnall)  a)   o.
                               (> :3-  Bo}  ·  meet  in  parlor.

                               ():- ()   Ci1rl  \\ l11  prr.  ll'lll.lf't r!  11'/11,  I'I~R'
                               7 :()0  ,'tud)  hour.
                               7:02    '<  ffin  appear  .

                               7 :0)  EHn  boy  lme  up.
                               7 :07   Facult\  rand.  guard  1r1  trorlt  ot  girl·  dormitor).
                               7:1-   Parade  lea\ e  campu  .
                               (): 1-  Prof.  Brittain  rha  e ·  t\\ o  lad)  teacher  around  the  ad mini  tration

                      FRI.     ( :00   La  ( 1rippe  till  ragm!!.
                      ~,  \T.   () :00   o  ( 1rippe on  the campu  .

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