Page 110 - chs-1964
P. 110
FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mary Alice LcGrone, Branda Morse, Carol Guynn, Cheryl Hammons, Anne Dobel-
ue Griffin, Ruth Lane, Colvin Stevens, Mary Florence .,tcin, Linda Sue Blanton. THIRD RO\V: Josephine Butler,
Hagan, Betty Pat Buic, Delores cttlcs, Suzanne Colley, D<'cl<' Andrews. Beth Tom·s. Celia Copeland, Bccky DeVane,
Lydia Estcss, Tita Tucker, Leo Hollingsworth. SECO D P;tula Klay, John Rehh<'rg, Danny Casali. Edgar Lockett,
RO\V: Betsy Butler, andi 1 ewhegin, Rafalar \Veaver, Rol)('rt \Vanl, \fik<• Abrahamsen, Johnny Clements, Jimmy
Dottie Del ull, Pam fcCalch, Penny Corey, Carol Kaeiser, Keaton.
The only wav we survived looming deadlines
was on a steady diet of midnight oil. The '64
Columbian is thi~ year's expression of the "SPIRIT"
of Columbia High. The staff has enjoyed the year
and hopes the student body will enjoy the result.
Mrs. Barbara Lawrence
Time's a wasting! Advisor