Page 115 - chs-1964
P. 115

LEFT  TO  RIGHT:  Meriba  Ogden,  Vice  Pre~ident;  L(.'O  Hollingsworth,  President;   Mrs.  Lawrence,  ponsor.
      Carol Kaeber,  ecretary-Treasurer.

                                                                LIBRARY  CLUB

                                                          The  som  what  "cag  r  b  avers"  who  assi  t  Mrs.
                                                      Lawrence  with  the  huge  task  of  keeping  the  library  in
                                                      tact meet every day with  mounds of books  to shelve, lots
                                                      of  cards  to  sort,  and  to  passify  the  erratic  reader  by
                                                      gently  leading  the  way  to  the  Card  Catalogue.  Library
                                                      as  istant  ar  always  easy  to  spot,  mumbling  something
                                                      about  OO's,  220,   seful  Arts  ... They survive ... The
                                                      library  remains  the  point  of  everybody's  existence.

      LEFT  TO  RIGHT:  Sylvia  hipp,  Dan  Casali,  Jerry  Wil-  haugh,  Pat  Cagle,  Josephine  Butler,  Meriba  Ogden,  Donna
      hoit,  Rosemary  Crews,  !\1ary  Florence  Hagan,  Joyce  Hud-  Jean  Fulk.  THIRD  ROW:  Anne  Dobelstein,  Linda   ue
      son,  Cathy  Rehberg,  Carol  Kaebcr,  Brenda  Bennett,   nn   Blanton,  Cheryl  Markham,  Pat  Evitt,  Linda  Milligan,  Col-
      Davis,  M.try  Ann  Wood.  SECO:'\D  ROW:  Patricia  Fore-  vin   tevens,  Lorraine  Capps,   ue  Griffin,  Paula  Klay,
      man,  Carol  Daugherty,  Ernestine  Roberts,  Billie  ue   n-  Leo Hollingsworth.
      dcrwood,   arah  Morton,  Ophelia  Keaton,  Jane  Beden-
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