Page 114 - chs-1964
P. 114
The highlight of the Beta
Cluh each vear is the Tradition-
al "Tapping Ceremony" where
sh1dents are chosen for memb r-
ship on the basis of achievement,
character, and leadership. Beta
Club m mb rship is a coveted
po ition for any sh1dent who
work hard for the grades that
LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Ogden,
Sponsor; uzanne Colley, Secre-
tary; Janice Akins, Reporter; Ricky
Lawrence, Treasurer; Rhonda Mc-
Mullan, Pre ident; Sue Griffin,
Vice President.
JU IORS, LEFT TO RIGHT: uezette Cason, Cherry Myers, Carolyn Williams, Mary
Jane Dykes, Cathy Jarvis, Linda Oliver, Ann Butler, Carol Cox, Lynn Eaddy, Eddie
Davis. ECO, D RO\V: Tommy Hackney, Kandy Baas, Gordon umm •rs, Danny
quillace, 1ike chilpp, Paul Vann, Judy pradley, Cheryl forgan, Diane Hollings-
worth, Meriba Ogden, usan Bedenbaugh. THIRD RO\V: am Cauthen, Dale Pigott,
Richard Snyder, Lee Alexander, Jim Hickey, Richard Rossi, Amos Philman, Marlin
Feagle, elson Blocker, Jimmy Arnold.
SE. 'lOR , LEFT TO RIGHT: Ch(•ryl Hammons, Jan( Hhonda McMullan, Linda Sue Blanton, Linda Jon<'s, Hicky
B('cknhaugh, Ruth Feagle, Ruhye '\dl Christie, :\fary Lawrence, Billy Hunt, nnette fershon, Linda Milligan,
Florence H.tgan, uzanne Colley, Betty Pat Buie, Lydw Lucile Moore, Brenda 'cott, Ann Wheeler. FO RTH ROW:
Estcss, Dottie Del :\ull. ECO. 'D HOW: Howard \'an Arthur Brown, Jerry Pellino, Randy Colson, John Halbrook,
Arsdall, Carol Guynn, Huth Lane, Lorn,t tarruners, Delores Hobert \Vard, L<'o Hollingsworth, Danny ,asali, Rachel
J\'ettles, Hay William;, Pam \fcCaleh, Janice Akins, Carol talvey, Maxine anders, Sue Griffin.
Kae,ier, Ophelia Keaton. THIRD HOW: Elizabeth Waters,