Page 113 - chs-1964
P. 113




                                         STA~DI~G. LEFT  TO  RIGHT:  Jean  Edwards,  Business  Staff;  Frances  Lee,
                                         Business  Staff;  Dave  Roof,  Page  Editor;  Linda  Hanna,  Page  Editor;  Joyce  Hou-
                                         send,  Layout  Editor.  SEA TED:  Paula  Klay,  Layout  Editor;  Edgar  Lockett,
                                         M.maging  Editor;  Colvin  Stevens,  Editor-In-Chief.  Diana  Blackmon,  Managing
                                         Editor;  Shirley Persons,  Business \fanager.

                                                                             ~fr. Bedenbaugh

         THE TIGER, our school  newspaper,  is  a  revival  of  an
       old  tradition  at  Columbia  High.  It offers  a  place for  stu-
       dents  with  inclinations  in  the  field  of  journalism  to  learn
       and  to  exercise  the  motto  that "The  pen  is  mightier  than
       the sword."

                                                                           Mrs.  Allison
                                                                                Mr.  Pittman

       SEATED,  LEFT  TO  RIGHT:  Mike  Drewett,  Martha  Er-  Blackmon.  Sheil.t  Childs,  Beth  Jones.  SECOND  ROW,
       win,  Joyce  Housend,  Anne  Doblestein,  Frances  Lee,  Linda   STAi':DI:\'G:  David  Pope,  Colvin  Stevens,  Dave  Roof,
       Hanna.  FIRST  ROW,  STANDI  G:  Bill  Rossi,  Shirley   Mike  Abrahamsen,  Paula  Klay,  Richard  Rossi,  John  Lock-
       Persons,  Jo  Ann  Leuther,  Paula  \Vright,  Carolyn  Hanson,   ett, Edgar Lockett, Johnny Clements, Jimmy Thrasher.
       Katheryn  Jarvis,  Sandra   ewbegin,  Jean  Edwards,  Diana
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