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      " God loves  to  help  him  who  strives  to  help  himself."
      Beta  Club  3,4;  FHA  3,4.
                    LOIS  ERNESTINE  ROBERTS
      " Many  charming  ways  has she."
      Paramedics  1;  FHA  2,3;  Library  1;  Annual  Staff  4;   OCT  4;
      CEC  4.
                     MICHAEL  NEAL  ROBERTS
     "When  I  feel  like  working,  I  just  lie  down  'til  the  feeling  goes
      FFA  1,2,3,4;  Track  3.
                    PATRICIA  QUAY  ROBERTS
     " Be  cheerful and gay;  life  is  grand  if  you  live  it  that  way."
     FHA  3,4,  Treasurer  4;  Office  Assistant  4;  Annual  Staff 4.
                    RONALD  DUANE  ROBERTS
      " Be  good,  and  if  you  can't  be  goad,  be  careful."
      Key  Club  2,3,4.
                   MICHAEL  CLARENCE  ROGERS
      " A  smile  that  lights  the  face  will  also  warm  the  heart."
      FFA  1,2,  3,  4;  Parliamentary  Procedure  Team;  Senior  Steering  Com-
      mittee  4.
                     THOMAS  EDWARD  ROOF
     " Can  I  help  it  if  I'm  irrisistable?"
      Band  1;  Football  2.
                     MARY  KATHRYN  ROPER
     " I think  that  I will  never  scan, a  tree  as lovely  as a  man."
     Tri-Hi-Y 1 ,2,3,4;  Art  Club  4.
                   WILLIAM  HAMMOND  ROSSI
     " If  I do  not  understand;  I pause;  I examine."
     FT A  2,4;  Tiger  Staff  1 ,2,3,4;  Annual  Staff  4;  library  Club  4;  Tiger
     Staff  1 ,2,3,4;  Annual  Staff  4;  library  Club  4;  Top  20%  Freshman
     Test;  Top  20%  Senior  Placement  Test;  Second  Highest  Salesman  of
     Junior  Magazine  Sale;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  3,4,  Treasurer  4;  Senior
                    DOROTHY  ANN  SANDLIN
                        "Most  Athletic"
     " Doubtless  God  could  have  made  a  better  berry,  but  doubtless
     God  never did."
     Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,4;  FTA  1;  Cheerleader 2,3,4,  Captain  4;  Tiger  Staff.
                                                                             MOST  SCHOOL  SPIRITED
                     LINDA  GAIL  SANDLIN
     " Her  goodness  makes the  world bright."                          Tham  Kessenich   Susan  Shackelford
     FHA  1 ,2,3,4,  Vice  Presodent  of  Projects  2,  President  3,4.
                      DEBERA  SCHNEIDER
     "She  has  a  smile  that  won't  come  off."                         RICHARD  E.  SKIPPER
     Girl  Scouts  1;  FT A  2;  Student  Council  3,4;  Annual  Representative   " Give  him  enough  rope  - and he'll want to  skip."
     3,4;  Senior  Steering  Committee  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  4.   FFA  1,2;  Basketball  3;  library  Club  4.
                   BETTY  CHRISTINE  SEXTON                               ALBERT  DAVID  SMITH
     " A  kind and gentle  heart  has she."               " If  of  first  you  don't  succeed,  try  a  little  ardor."
     FHA  3,4;  DE  4.                                    Spanish  Club  1,2;  Football  1,2,3;  FCA  1,2,3;  Transfer  4;  Top  10%
                 DAVID  ROBERT  SHACKELFORD,  JR.         Senior  Placement  Test  4;  Senior  Play  4.
                       "Most  Popular
      Men  may  come  and men  may  go,  but  I  go  on  forever."        JAMES  LESLIE  SMITH
     Football  1,2,3,4;  latin  Club  2,3,4;  Eagle  Seoul;  Key  Club  2,3,4;   "He  stretched  while  yawning  and  forgot  to  unstretch."
     Class  President  1;  Vice  President  of  lettermen's  Club  3;  Tap  20%   FFA  1 ,2,3,4;  OCT  4; Track  2;  Basketball  2,3.
     Freshman  Placement Test  1;  Tri-Hi-Y mascot  1,2,3.
                                                                             JANIE  SNELL
                   SUSAN  JEAN  SHACKELFORD              "She  looks  cheerfully  upon  everything."
                     " Most  School  Spirited"           Transfer;  Associated  Students  and  Teachers,  Officer  3;  Art  Club 4.
     " Though  she  be  little,  she  is  fierce ."
    Tri-Hi-Y  1 ,2,4;  Annual  Staff  2,3,4;  FT A  1;  Cheerleader  2,4;  Co-  JERRY  KIETH  SPIVEY
     Captain  4;  Tiger  Staff  3,4,  Senior  Editor  4;  Student  Council  Rep-  "Cutest"
     resentative  1;  Junior  Classical  league  1 ,2;  Annual  Representative   " I  have  been  dying  for  nineteen  years,  now  I am  going  to  live."
     1,2;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  4;  Voice  of  Democracy  Contest 3.
                                                                        DONALD  BRUCE  SPRADLEY
                    CAROLYN  LOUISE  SHAW                " The  flower  of young  manhood."
    "Knowledge  comes,  but  wisdom  lingers."           Basketball  1,2,3,4;  Football  4;  Page  for  Graduation.
    Beta  Club  3,4;  National  Honor  Society  3,4;  Mu  Alpha  Theta
    2,3,4;  OCT  4;  CEC  4.                                             SUSAN  KAY  STAFFORD
                     MARY  ESTHER  SIERRA                " Disposition  is  the  foundation  of  happiness."
     "She  says  and does  the  kindest  things  in  the  kindest  ways."   Transfer  4;  FHA  2,3;  latin  Club  3;  library  Club  4.
    Transfer  3;  Future  Medical  Club  1;  Dramatics  Club  2;  School
     Paper  Staff  2,3;  Glee  Club  3;  National  Honor  Society  3;  Athletic   JOHNNY  EDWARD  STARLING
     Association  3;  Paramedics 4.                      " That  endolent  but agreeable  condition  of doing  nothing."
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