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                                                              '·Gentle  of speech  and  benificient  of mind."
                                                              Junior  Classical  league  1 ,2,3,4;  FHA  1 ,2;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Mu
                                                              Alpha  Theta  3,4,  Secretary  4;  Annual  Stoff  4;  Co·Editor  Tiger
                                                              Stoff  4;  Top  10%  Freshman  Placement  Test;  Top  10%  Senior  Place·
                                                              ment  Test;  Betty  Crocker  Award  4.
                                                                                KATHY  JO  LESLIE
                                                              " It  is  a  merry  heart  that  has  many  friends."
                                                              OCT  4.
                                                                              MARILYN  JUNE  LESLIE
                                                              " Mind  cannot  follow,  nor  words  express  her  infinite  sweetness."
                                                              Annual  Representative  2,3,4;  Student  Council  3;  Tiger  Staff  3,4,
                                                              Business  Manager  3,4;  Annual  Stoff  3,4,  Features  and  O rganiza-
                                                              tions  Editor  4;  Beta  Club  4;  Miss  CHS  4;  Top  Magazine  Salesman
                                                              3;  Tri·Hi-Y  1 ,2;  Girl  Scouts  1 ,2,3,4;  Library  Club  3.

                                                                                MICHAEL  LESLIE
                                                                                "Most  Dignified"
                                                              "He  is  the  mildest  manner'd  man."
                                                               Student Council  1 ,2;  Bond  1 ,2.
                                                                                PRISCILLA  LEWIS
                                                                                "Most  Dignified"
                                                               " She  has  dignity  with  ease."
                                                               Tiger  Staff 4.
                                                                              AUDREY  MARIE  LISTON
                                                               "If  there  were  many  more  like  her,  the  stock  of  halos  would
                                                               give  out."
                                                               FHA  2;  Vice  President  of  Projects  3;  Beta  Club  4.
                                                                               SHARON  EVON  LITTLE
                                                               11           11
                                                                Politeness  goes  far.
                                                               FHA  2;  Top  20%  Freshman  Placement  Test  1.
                                                                             RAYMOND  ALLEN  LOGAN
                                                              " Blessed  is  he  who  expects  nothing,  for  he  shol/  never  be  dis-
                                                               Boy  Scouts  1,2;  latin  Club  1,2,3,4;  4-H Club  1,2,3,4;  Baseball  4.
                                                                               DANNY  BOB  LORD
                                                               " A  little  work,  a  little  ploy."
                                                               Boy  Scouts  3.
                                                                             MICHAEL  STEPHEN  LORD
                      MOST  INTELLECTUAL
                                                               11 1 come ,  I sow,  I conquered."
                Michael  Flannagan   Suzanne  Phillips
                                                               FFA;  OCT.
                                                                               RODNEY  EARL  LORD
                                                               "One  thing  you  can  keep  and  still  give  is  your  word."
                                                               Beta  Club  3,4;  Senior  Ploy.
                          THOMAS  G.  KESSENICH
                          " Most  School  Spirited"
           " Great thoughts like  gread  deeds  need  no  trumpet."           RONALD  JAMES  LORD
           Boy  Scouts;  First  Place  Science  Fair;  Track  4;  Art Club,  Officer  4.   "A  mixture  of  knowledge  and  good  humor."
                                                               latin  Club  1;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Senior  Ploy.
                           MARTHA  ANN  KING
                                                                               PAUL  EDWARD  LOYD
           "A  cheerful  heart,  a  friendly  smile."          " To  take  a  great  weight  off  your  mind,  discard  your  halo."
           Transfer  4;  GRA  2;  FTA  3;  Rare  Book  Club  3;  latin  Club  2;
           Tiger  Stoff 4.                                     Bond.
                                                                             CHARLES  EMANUEL  LUCAS
                           RANDAll  RAY  KING
           "Wine,  women,  and  song  get  me  down,  I'll  quit  singing."   "Let  the  chips  fall  where  they  may."
                                                                             FREDA  MARLENE  MANGLE
                           BARBARA  lYNN  Kl RBY                              " Most  likely  to  Succeed"
           "Wise  to  resolve  and  patient to  perform."      " Too  low  they  build  who  build  beneath  the  stars."
           FHA  2;  Annual  Staff  4; Tiger  Stoff 4.
                                                               FHA  1 ,2,3;  Latin  Club  1 ,2,3,4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Girls'  Stole  Alternate.
                           VIVIAN  LUCILLE  KIRBY                            NEVIN  MURRAY  MARKHAM
           "Silence  is  more  eloquent  than  words."         " The  more  I  see  of  the  representatives  of  the  people,  the  more
                                                               I admire  my  dogs."
                            ROGER  REID  KLAY                                 PAULA  JEAN  MARKHAM
           " /  like  work,  it  fascinates  me;  I can  sit  and watch  it for  hours."   "With  malice  towards  none,  with  charity  for  all."
           Football  1 ,2,3,4.   •
                           GREGORY  B.  KNUDSEN                               ROBERT  MICHAEL  MASO
           " A  lion  among  ladies  is  a  most  dreadful thing."   " A  sense  of  humor  with  plenty  of  nonsense."
           Transfer  4;  Annual  Stoff  4;  Tiger  Stoff  4;  FTA  4;  library  Club  4;   Boy  Scouts  1 ,2,3;  Art  Club  4;  Annual  Representative  4;  Senior
           Track  Team  4.                                     Steering  Committee;  Annual  Stoff  4;  Football  1.

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