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DONNIE  EDWARD  FREE                                  JOHN  LEWIS  GIEBEIG
         ' The  da rkest  hour  is  only  sixty  minutes."    " Talk  to  him  of  Jaco b's  ladder,  and  he'll  ask  for  the  number
          FFA  1,2,3,4,  Treasurer  4;  Parliamentary  Precedure  Team  3,4,  State   of steps."
          Former  4.                                           Golf  1,2,3,4;  Bay  Scouts  1,2;  Basketball  1,2;  Beta  Club  3,4;  latin
                                                              Clu b  1,2,3,4;  letterma n's  Club  3.
                         RONNY  EUGEN E FULMER
         '' Be  wiser  than  other  people  if  you  can;  but  do  not  tell  them  so."   KATHRYN  GOODMAN
          Boy  Scouts  1,2;  Key  Club  3,4;  Student Council  3;  Beta  Clu b  3,4.   "She  has songs  for  man  or  woman."
                                                               Chorus  1,2,3,4;  Pa ramedics  1,2,3,4;  Drama  Club  3.
                         VIRGI N IA  ALICE  GALL
          She  is  nice  by  nome  and  nature ."                              KATHY  ANN  GREEN
                                                              " Tolerance  is  the  oil  which  takes  the  friction  out of life."
         G irl  Scouts  1,2,3,4,  President  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  4;  Senio r  Steering  Com-
                                                               FHA  1,2,3;  Intramu ral  Basketball  2;  Paramedics  1;  Intramural  Vol-
         mittee  4;  Annual  Staff  4;  Tiger  Staff  4;  Basketball  2.
                                                               leyball  4;  Top  20%  Freshman  Placement Test.
                        EUG ENE  THOMAS  GARRETT                             MAURINE  ELAINE  GREEN
         " As a  man  thinketh  in  his  heart,  so  is  he."   " Judge  not  her worth  by  her size!'
          FTA  1,2;  Football  2.                              Pa ramedics  1,3;  latin  Club  1,2;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3;  Office  Assistant  3,4.
                            LESLIE  GERARD                                    MYRNA  JEAN  GREEN
         ' Nature  made  her  what  she  is  a nd  never  made  a nother."   " A  pocketful/ of sunshine  is  better than  gold!'
          FHA  4.                                              FHA  3;  Pa ramedics  3;  VOE  4.
                                                                             NANCY  SUZANNE  GREEN
                        ME LAN IE  RUTH  GERMANY
                                                               " Calmness  is  not always the attribute of innocence."
                               ''Cutest  11
         " As  good-natured a  soul  as 'ere  trod  on  shoe  of  leather."
                                                                                JULIA  GRISSOM
         Tri-Hi-Y  1;  Pa ramed ics  3;  Pro m  Server  1,2.
                                                                               " Most  Dependable"
                                                              "A  good  neighbor  is  a  found  treasure ."
                         G LOR IA  VAN  G IEBE IG
          Born  to  conve rse ,  and  live  with  ease."      FHA  1,2;  Deg rees  Officer  2;  latin  Club  1,2;  Drama  Club  3;  Art
                                                              Club  4;  FTA  4;  Annual  Stoff  4;  Senior  Editor  4;  Girls'  Stole
         FTA  1,3,4;  Girl  Sco uts  1,2;  Annual  Sta ff  4,  Spo rts  Co-Ed itor  4;
         Tiger  Staff  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3,4,  Chaplain  2,  Secretary  2,  Presid e nt   Alternate  3.
         4;  Paramedics  1;  Class  Treasurer  4.
                                                                            BARBARA  CATHERINE  GUERRY
                                                              " Charm  strikes the  sight,  but merit  wins the  soul."
                                                              Paramedics  1,2,3,4;  Junior  Classical  league  1,2,3,4;  Girl  Scouts  1,2,
                        FRIENDLIEST                                         GEORGIA  CAROL  HACKNEY
                 Teina  Cason   Jimmy  Bielling                                    11 Wiftiest"
                                                              " Life  is  a  ;est  and  oil  things  show  it.  I  thought  so  once,  but  now
                                                              I  know  it."
                                                              FTA  1,2;  Girl  Scouts  1,2;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3,4;  Bond  1,2;  Student
                                                              Council  2;  Annual  Staff  4;  Annual  Representative  1,2,3,4;  Prom
                                                              Floor  Show  1;  Server  at  Prom  2;  Tiger  Stoff  4;  Page  at  Gradua-
                                                              tion  3;  Cheerleader  4;  rode  on  Homecoming  float  3;  Senior  Ploy  4.
                                                                                 DWIGHT  HALL
                                                              " Let  the  world  slide/"
                                                              FFA  1,2.
                                                                              ANNA  MAE  HAMPTON
                                                              "Beauty  is  not  caused,  it  is/'
                                                                             JOSEPH  WYNN  HANCOCK
                                                              " /  om  Sir  Oracle  when  I ope  my  lips,  let  no  dog  bark."
                                                                              FLORA  " SISSY"  HARDEN
                                                              " And let's  be  red  with  mirth."
                                                              Paramedics  1,2,  Secretory  2;  Girl  Scouts  1,2,3,4;  Glee  Club  2;
                                                              Art  Club 4.
                                                                              ROBERT  ALLEN  HARPER
                                                              " A  mon  he  seems  of  cheerful  yesterdays and confident tomorrows."
                                                              Mu  Alpha  Theta  4;  Basketball  1,2,3.
                                                                             MIKE  EDWARD  HARRIMAN
                                                              "Let  tomorrow  take  care  of tomorrow."
                                                              DE  4.
                                                                              RONALD  LAMAR  HARRIS
                                                              " The  world  is  o  wheel ond  it  will  come  around right!'
                                                              FFA  1,2;  Photo  Club 4.
                                                                             ROBERT  DALE  HARRISON
                                                              " The  biggest  rascal  that  walks on  two  legs."
                                                              Jr.  Vor.  Football  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  mascot  1,2,3;  Varsity  Football  2,3,4;
                                                              Track  1,4.
                                                                            FITZHIGH  LEE  HARTLEY,  JR.
                                                              '  Th ere  is  no  cure  lor  birth  or  death  sa ve  to  enioy  the  interval."
                                                                              J.  WELDON  HARTLEY
                                                              " Me n  are  not  a gainst  yo u; they  a re  merely  lor  th emselves."
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